More from Joshua Tree…

Joshua Trees at Hidden Valley ~ Joshua Tree National Park, CA
Tech: Canon 5DMKll, 400mm 2.8, tripod
Exposure: 1/15 sec. @ f/18, iso 100

Boulder Field at Sunset ~ Joshua Tree National Park, CA
Tech: Canon 5DMKll, 17 - 40mm @ 19mm, tripod, grad filter
Exposure: 3.2 sec. @ f/10, iso 100
Notes: I used a 2 stop hard-edged neutral density filter to balance the sky and foreground exposure

Juniper and Balanced Rock ~ Joshua Tree National Park, CA
Tech: Canon 5DMKll, 17 - 40mm @ 29mm, tripod, flash
Exposure: 6 sec. @ f/16, iso 100
Notes: Off camera flash with warming gel to fill in shadowed side of juniper and foreground rock
wow, those are gorgeous!