Another week and another 10 images added to the website. Landscapes, wildlife, mountains, ocean, and some close-up images capturing worlds within worlds.
I shot Pilings, Seacliff State Beach just a few blocks from my house on one of our evening walks down the beach.
Oak Hillside in Springtime was taken on a day trip to Mount Diablo State Park. I headed out hoping to capture the hills with fresh green growth which only lasts a short time before the warmer days take over and turn the grass golden brown for much of the rest of the year.
After the first rain showers of the season in late September I noticed this Spiderweb strung between our house and hedge. I spent the better part of an hour on a ladder trying to capture the little jewels hanging in the web.
On a visit back to my hometown of Seekonk, MA I captured this Bullfrog at Caratunk Wildlife Refuge which my mom helped establish in the early 70’s.
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico is truly one of the most spectacular places to photograph waterfowl and Sandhill Cranes during the migration season. It has plenty more to offer as well and on one visit I was able to photograph this Northern Harrier perching in the late afternoon sun.
Prior to my recent project with rocks and minerals, I spent some time photographing backlit leaf details in a controlled studio setting. I’m continually fascinated with the abstract patterns and lack of scale these images offer. This Liquidambar Leaf was particularly enticing.
It’s very easy to get lost in the grand landscapes of Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite National Park, but on this particular morning I ended up on crawling on my belly exploring the tiny world of melting frost on the meadow grasses which resulted in Morning Dew.
After spending a couple of days around the Mt. Hood area I headed out to John Day Fossil Beds to photograph the Painted Hills where I caught a fairly decent rainstorm. With the cool temperatures in early September I took a return trip to Trillium Lake on a hunch that Mt. Hood would get it’s 1st coating of snow for the season. My hunch paid off.
Mark Abbott Memorial Lighthouse is a landmark in Santa Cruz which houses the Santa Cruz Surfing Museum and surfers take on the waves of Steamer Lane. I happen to be photographing the Walton Lighthouse at the mouth of Santa Cruz Harbor a few miles south and noticed the possibility of the setting sun lining up behind the “Surfer Lighhouse”. I pulled out the big glass to compress the scene and render the sun large in the frame with silhouettes of the lighthouse and visitors enjoying the scene.
There’s no better place to see and photograph Souther Sea Otters than Elkhorn Slough in Moss Landing CA. On one of my recent trips down this 5 mile estuary I was able to capture this Otter with Pup cruising through the eel grass.
Each week, you’ll find the latest 10 images in the New Images Gallery.